Artwork Library

A Street in Nevers, France

A Street in Nevers, France

Location: France

Subject: Streetscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1920s

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 61 cm x 46 cm

Knighton-Hammond set himself up in the Rue de la Cathedrale in Nevers to execute this watercolour. The tower and the main body of the Cathedral St Cyr Ste Julitte is visible at the end of the street. The building with the turret is on the corner of Rue de la Cathedrale and Rue Albert Morlon. Without being slavish to detail, the architecture is skilfully depicted. The linear perspective shows off his draughtsmanship. The use of colour, light and tone have all the qualities and techniques of the Impressionists whom I greatly admired. The figures looked to have been painted with great freedom and speed giving spontaneity and movement.

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