Artwork Library

A Wet Square in Venice

A Wet Square in Venice

Location: Venice, Italy

Subject: Streetscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1920s

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 44 cm x 32 cm

This watercolour of Venice was carried out soon after Knighton-Hammond arrived in the city in 1922. The dominant structure is the Loggetta del Sansovino designed by Jacopo Sansovino (1486-1570) and completed in 1546. It forms the base of the Campanile in St Mark’s Square. It is clearly evident that the artist was in his element in the depiction of the Venetian architecture with his interpretive brushwork. The characteristic composition methods of the verticality of the Loggetta and the linear perspective of the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana beyond shows that nothing was so powerfully emblematic as Classical architecture. The library was also designed by Sansovino and is a masterpiece of Renaissance Venice and faces the Doge’s Palace across the piazzetta. Knighton-Hammond’s freer more Impressionist style does not slavishly represent detail, it does, however, ooze spontaneity and inventiveness demonstrating his competence in its mastery. The figures and reflections from the wet paving give movement to the composition.

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