Artwork Library

Cattle in a landscape

Cattle in a landscape

Location: Misterton, Somerset, UK

Subject: Landscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1940s

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 55 cm x 77 cm

The most striking thing about this watercolour is the depiction of the trees. Devoid of their leaves, the trees have been wonderfully constructed directly with the brush silhouetted against the sky. Equally as striking are the two cattle in the right foreground captured looking intensely and amusingly at the artist at work. One has the feeling that there is a conversation going on with one of them saying ‘what’s that bloke doing sitting in our field – he’s not the farmer?’ The one on the left of the two shows a good example of foreshortening as it faces out to the spectator. It is likely that this field is on one of the farms in Misterton close to Knighton-Hammond’s home at Old Court and would date from the 1940s or 50s. Picture depth is created using local colour of greens in the foreground receding to a hazy blue/grey in the background. The field in the foreground is depicted amid a profusion of constructive brushstrokes. Knighton-Hammond had great ability to elevate a landscape with cattle into a real art form.

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