Artwork Library

Piazza di San Marco, Venice

Piazza di San Marco, Venice

Location: Venice, Italy

Subject: Streetscape

Medium: Watercolour

Date: 1920s

Signature: Knighton Hammond

Dimensions: 44 cm x 59 cm

This watercolour of the Piazza di San Marco, Venice was painted soon after a rain shower. The sun has come out brightening up the façade of the iconic San Marco viewed through the arches. The figures are leaving the shelter of the arches and walking out into the square. The emblematic architecture is very Impressionistic, drawn very freely but in sufficient details for the elements to be read. The figures have colour and movement and there are some which are picked out in red, a trademark of the artist having an element of red in his pictures. The square is given luminosity with the artist’s use of light, colour and tone further enhanced by the reflections from the wet paving.

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